Choice: Women's Health Care and Reproductive Justice - Warnock for Georgia


Choice: Women’s Health Care and Reproductive Justice

Reverend Warnock believes the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a departure from our American ideals, and a failure to recognize and protect a core protection for women in this country to make their own health care decisions. Warnock believes it cannot stand, and is fighting to restore the right of Georgia women to make their own health care decisions.

Reverend Warnock has been an advocate for women’s health and reproductive justice his entire life and is proud to have been endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Since his time as a teen peer counselor in high school and his work with the Georgia Department of Health during college, Warnock has fought to increase safe and affordable access to contraceptives and achieve reproductive justice for women and families.

As a pro-choice pastor, Warnock has both a profound reverence for life and an abiding respect for choice. He fundamentally believes that health care is a human right, and that health care decisions should be left between a patient and their doctor.